Monday, August 27, 2012

Afternoon with the Media

With day two of our Tampa trip behind us, there is much to report! Thanks to a relative of one of our classmates, we were able to gain access to the Convention Center as Media personnel. This post includes multiple photographs I took of the events during the day, with descriptions for each. 

We were welcomed to the Convention Center by security guards, metal detectors, police dogs, and multiple law enforcement officers. 

Listening to Newt Gingrich and Mike Huckabee conduct a live radio show on Radio Row!

Checking out the Tampa Bay Times Forum from the top of our parking deck. We can't wait to go in later on this week!

In my hopes to locate and speak to some of the Fox News team, we found the video recording set for CBS overlooking the Tampa Bay. 

My favorite picture of the entire event was from the Google Media Lounge. It was such a neat environment, an with a photo booth, tables with outlets, massaging chairs, and complimentary coffee!

This concludes my post for Wednesday, thanks for reading!

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