Mitt Romney’s Rules Met by Boos in Tampa
Robyn Beck/AFP/Getty Images
They’ll surely get their convention back by the time the prime time program begins and the boldfaced names talk up Mitt Romney. But the mood on the floor is surprisingly hostile to Romney and the forces engaged in a rules fight with Ron Paul forces.
Ron Paul was received like a rock star when he roamed the floor earlier creating a huge roving mass of humanity, including reporters, but mostly supporters eager to express their support.
Delegates have been chanting, “Let him speak” because Ron Paul is not scheduled to speak, although his son, Sen. Rand Paul, is scheduled to address the convention. A “Rom-ney” chant was drowned out by a “Ron Paul” chant moments before the convention was gaveled to order early this afternoon. Petitions are circulating in Tampa to force Paul’s name to be entered into nomination today.
RNC Rules Committee members reached a compromise Monday that walked back that provision, but some RNC members—in addition to former VP nominee Sarah Palin—still pushed back against the new rules provisions, which would also make it impossible for future candidates to pursue Ron Paul’s strategy of amassing delegates at state conventions.
The frustrations came to a head when Republican House Speaker John Boehner introduced the new rules. There was a voice vote and to some on the convention floor it sounded like the “nos” were louder than the “ayes.” Boehner said the ayes had it. And then the Republican House speaker was booed on the floor of the Republican National Convention.
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